Saturday, July 18, 2009

Open craft night

We will be having an open craft night the second Thursday of each month. We had our first one a couple of weeks ago, and it was a huge success. We all had so much fun. On these nights, we will have craft supplies out for everybody to use and share. Start a new project with us, or you can bring along a project that you are already working on. This night is meant to build community, make new friends and just have a relaxing night of crafting. Here are a few pictures of the very first Open craft night...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hooray for Textures

Hello Friends -- TEXTURES  is officially opened at it's new location.   Come by the shop from 10-6pm t-sa right next to Waterworks on Thomasville Rd.  You will see the breezy peach bldg and come right through the french doors.  You can check out the workshop schedule on the Textures official website.  We are excited to see you soon!